
Transition to Reception


Welcome to Reception Tour

Welcome to Reception Presentation










Miss McGowan  and Mrs Mullock / Mrs Gordon are the Reception teachers.

thumbnail of Reception overview 2021

Reception Overview









Please find below copies of the Newsletters that have been sent home weekly. If you require letters in a different format please speak to Mrs Davidson in the office.

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 13th Sep 24

13th Sep 24

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 12th Jul 24

12th Jul 24

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 5th Jul 24

5th Jul 24

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 28th Jun 24

28th Jun 24

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 14th Jun 24

14th Jun 24

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 7th Jun 24

7th Jun 24

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 17th May 24

17th May 2024

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 10th May 24

10th May 2024

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 3rd May 24

3rd May 2024

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 26th Apr 24

26th Apr 2024

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 19th Apr 24

19th Apr 2024

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 28th Mar 24

28th Mar 2024

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 22nd Mar 24

22nd Mar 2024

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 15th Mar 24

15th Mar 2024

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 8th Mar 24

8th Mar 2024

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 23rd Feb 24

23rd Feb 2024

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 9th Feb 24

9th Feb 2024

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 2nd Feb 24

2nd Feb 2024

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 26th Jan 24

26th Jan 2024

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 19th Jan 24

19th Jan 2024

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 12th Jan 24

12th Jan 2024

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 15th Dec 23

15th Dec 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 8th Dec 23

8th Dec 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 1st Dec 23

1st Dec 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 24th Nov 23

24th Nov 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 17th Nov 23

17th Nov 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 10th Nov 23

10th Nov 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 27th Oct 23

27th Oct 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 13th Oct 23

13th Oct 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 6th Oct 23

6th Oct 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 29th Sep 23

29th Sept 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 22nd Sep 23

22nd Sept 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 15th Sep 23

15th Sept 2023

thumbnail of Reception 8th Sep 23

8th Sept 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 30th Jun 23

30th June 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 23rd Jun 23

23rd June 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 9th Jun 23

9th June 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 25th May 23

25th May 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 19th May 23

19th May 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 12th May 23

12th May 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 5th May 23

5th May 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 21st Apr 23

21st April 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 31 Mar 23

31st March 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 24th March 23

24th March 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 17th Mar 23

17th Mar 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 10th Mar 23

10th Mar 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 24th Feb 23

24th Feb 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 10th Feb 23

10th Feb 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 3rd Feb 23

3rd Feb 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 27th Jan 23

27th Jan 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 20th Jan 23

20th Jan 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 13th Jan 23

13th Jan 2023

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 9th Dec 22 1

9th Dec 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 2nd Dec 22

2nd Dec 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 25th Nov 22

25th Nov 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 18th Nov 22

18th Nov 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 4th Nov 22

4th Nov 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 21st Oct 22

21st Oct 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 14th Oct 22

14th Oct 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 7th Oct 22

7th Oct 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 30th Sep 22

30th Sept 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 23rd Sep 22

23rd Sept 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 16th Sep 22

16th Sept 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 1st July 22

1st July 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 24th Jun 22

24th June 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 10th Jun 22

10th June 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 20th May 22 2

20th May 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 13th May 22

13th May 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 6th May 22

6th May 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 29th Apr 22

29th April 2022


thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 1st April 22 1

1st April 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 25th Mar 22 1

25th March 2022






thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 18th March 22


18th March 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 11th March 22

11th March 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 4th Feb 22

4th February 2022

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 3rd December[3489]

3rd December 2021

thumbnail of Reception Newsletter 26th Nov 21

26th November 2021

19th November 2021

12th November 2021

5th November 2021


22nd October 2021


15th October 2021











