Key Info


On behalf of all children, staff and governors at our school I would like to warmly welcome you to our website. We are proud to share our school with you and hope you enjoy your journey around it.

Lister Infant School is a community maintained school situated in the Tuebrook area of Liverpool. We are an inclusive school and are committed to ensuring that every child receives an education that allows them to achieve their full potential.

The school is led by a highly motivated and dedicated team who have worked hard to create a stimulating learning environment for our children. We have developed an exciting and challenging curriculum that is presented in an interesting and imaginative manner. It offers many opportunities for first-hand experience, practical work, investigation and learning through play and is enlivened and enriched by visits, visitors, and extensive use of the environment.

We have high expectations for all at Lister Infant School and encourage everyone to set high standards for themselves and others. We are very proud that our children achieve excellent results and know that this is based on a strong working partnership between school, children, parents/carers and the wider community.

We believe our school is a welcoming, friendly, lively and happy place where children feel secure and high standards of behaviour are expected.

We hope you will find our website useful. It will give you a flavour of all that Lister Infant School has to offer.

If you should have any further questions please do not hesitate in contacting me.

Mrs. Janet Davies

Term Dates

thumbnail of HOLIDAY DATES 2024-2025

Term Dates 2024-2025










Mission Statement

Respect for all. Learners for Life.

Aims & Values of the School

  • This will be an inclusive school where all will be treated equally and given equality of opportunity regardless of gender, special needs, disability or race.
  • All will be treated as individuals and teaching and learning will be differentiated to take account of individuals needs.
  • Teaching and learning will be matched to the appropriate stage of children’s physical, mental, social, spiritual, moral and cultural development needs.
  • All will benefit from a rich, broad, balanced curriculum that will be presented in an interesting, exciting and imaginative manner with lots of opportunities for first-hand experience, practical work, investigation and learning through play. The curriculum will be enlivened and enriched by visits, visitors, and extensive use of the environment. The basics will be taught well and the creative aspects including art, poetry, story, dance, music, performance will be central to our work.
  • All will have high expectations and set high standards for themselves and others. All will be treated fairly and listened to. All will have opportunities to take responsibility, build their self-esteem and develop their self-confidence.
  • Success will be promoted and progress and achievement will be rewarded.
  • Parents and the wider community will be seen to be equal partners with the school.
  • This will be a welcoming, friendly, bright and lively, happy place where children feel secure where good behaviour is expected and where they have fun whilst achieving and where they enjoy growing up.



Safeguarding Intent

School Safeguarding Statement

thumbnail of Safeguarding Team

Safeguarding Team



















Operation Encompass Letter to Parents

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Operation Encompass Information

thumbnail of operation encompass scheme poster reasons

What is Operation Encompass?

thumbnail of operation encompass poster

Operation Encompass Poster

thumbnail of Positive Behaviour Policy Sept 2022

Positive Behaviour Policy 2022



thumbnail of Attendance Policy 2022

Attendance Policy 2022-23

thumbnail of Anti Bullying Policy Sept 2022

Anti-Bullying Policy 2022

thumbnail of Child protection Policy March 2024

Child Protection Policy 2024





















Online Safety

Online Safety Guide for Parents

thumbnail of Safeguarding Advice for Visitors 22-23

Safeguarding Advice for Visitors

Police Advice to Stay safe Online

Safer Internet Day

thumbnail of AUP lister sep 2022 FINAL

Online Safety Policy

Education for a Connected World 2020




















thumbnail of Admission to Nursery 2024

Admission to Nursery

thumbnail of Admission to Rec 2024

Admission to Reception

thumbnail of Admission to School 2024

Admission to School











Starting School

Welcome to Reception Tour Video

Parent Presentation

Pacey- Toolkit for School Readiness

Pacey- Preparing your child for starting school booklet


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Attendance and Punctuality

thumbnail of Lister Infants Local Offer 2022

Local Offer

thumbnail of What-to-expect-in-the-EYFS-complete-FINAL-16.09-compressed

What to expect in the EYFS

















The School Day


Our nursery offers the choice of 2 part time sessions of 3 hours (morning and afternoon)

8.30am – 11.30am

12.30pm – 3.30pm

We are pleased to announce that we are now offering 30 hours free childcare in line with the Government’s new initiative. If you would like more information please speak to a member of the office team.


Reception 8.45- 3.15     lunchtime 12.00-1.00

Year 1       8.45-3.15    lunchtime  12.00-1.00

Year 2      8.45-3.15      lunchtime 12.00-1.00


Reception- Year 2 Total time in a typical week- 32 hours 30 minutes per week

Breakfast club opens at 8am.


The School Menu

If your child has any special dietary requirements please speak to Mrs Davidson in the school office

thumbnail of Menu wk 1 Apr 24

Week 1

thumbnail of Menu wk 2 Apr 24

Week 2

thumbnail of Menu wk 3 Apr 24

Week 3








Attendance and Punctuality

thumbnail of Attendance Policy 2022

Attendance Policy


thumbnail of Attendance Booklet for Parents

Attendance Booklet for Parents

thumbnail of Attendance Infection Control Booklet

Infection Control Guidance for Parents
























Pupil & Sport Premium Information

Pupil Premium                               Sports Premium

thumbnail of Pupil Premium Strategy 2023

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023

thumbnail of expenditure 2023 2024

Sport Premium Expenditure and Impact 2023-2024

thumbnail of planned expenditure 2024 2025

Sport Premium Planned Expenditure 2024 – 2025
















School Performance

Lister Infant School is pleased to present their end of Key Stage 1 results 2019.


Expected+ Greater Depth
Lister Infants 75% 28%
National 75% 25%


Expected + Greater Depth
Lister Infants 73% 18%
National 69% 15%


Expected+ Greater Depth
Lister Infants 77% 25%
National 76% 22%

Reading, Writing and Maths Combined

Percentage achieving expected standard in Reading Writing & Maths
Lister Infants 73%
National 65%

Data from July 2019

Age related expectation at the end of Year 2 is expected standard.

Click on the link to view Lister Infants performance table 





thumbnail of Uniform Policy 2024

Uniform Policy 2024



















Lister School Branded Uniform can be purchased from Schoolwear by Lisa located at:

72 Priory Rd                                      275 East Prescott Rd

Anfield                                                Liverpool

L42RZ                                                 L14 2BD.