Calendar and Events

Autumn Term

Monday 2nd September INSET Day
Tuesday 3rd September Year 1 and 2 Children Return to School
Friday 25th October Break Up for Half Term 3:15 pm
Monday 4th November Return to School
Friday 20th December School Finishes at 1:15pm

Spring Term

Monday 6th January Return to School
Friday 14th February School Finishes at 3:15pm
Monday 24th February Return to School
Friday 4th April School Finishes at 1:15pm

Summer Term

Tuesday 22nd April Return to School
Monday 5th May May Day Bank Holiday
Friday 23rd May School Finishes 3:15pm 
Monday 2nd June INSET DAY
Tuesday 3rd June INSET DAY
Friday 18th July School Finishes at 1:15pm
Monday 21st July INSET
Tuesday 22nd July INSET DAY



Monday 2nd September INSET Day
Tuesday 3rd September Year 1 and 2 Children Return to School
Friday 6th September National Read a Book Day
Friday 13th September Roald Dahl Day
Monday 16th September Y2 Clubs
Wednesday 18th September Y2 Dance Club
Monday 23rd September Y2 Clubs
Tuesday 24th September Y2 Reading Meeting
Wednesday 25th September Y2 Dance Club
Thursday 26th September Y1 Reading Meeting
Friday 27th September Maths Party
Monday 30th September Y2 Clubs
Tuesday 1st October Y2 Maths Meeting
Wednesday 2nd October Y2 Dance Club
Thursday 3rd October National Poetry Day
Thursday 3rd October Y1 Maths Meeting
Monday 7th October Y2 Clubs
Wednesday 9th October Y2 Dance
Thursday 10th October World Mental Health Day
Monday 14th October Y2 Clubs
Wednesday 16th October Y2 Dance
Thursday 17th October Open Evening (new Nursery/Reception in September)
Monday 21st October Y2 Clubs (last club)
Tuesday 22nd October Parents Evening
Wednesday 23rd October Y2 Dance (last club)
Thursday 24th October 2H Class Assembly
Friday 25th October Break Up for Half Term 3:15 pm
Monday 4th November Return to School
Tuesday 5th November Reception Parent Reading Meeting
Thursday 7th November Forest School 2H
Monday 11th November Remembrance Day
Monday 11th November Nursery AM Music Session
Tuesday 12th November Odd Sock Day
Thursday 14th November Forest School 2W
Thursday 14th November School Photographer (individual and family)
Friday 15th November Children in Need
Friday 15th November Nursery PM Music Session
Monday 18th November Own Clothes Day (bring a selection box)
Wednesday 20th November Reception Parent Maths Meeting
Thursday 21st November Forest School 1M
Thursday 21st November Christmas Bingo
Thursday 28th November 1K Class Assembly
Thursday 28th November Forest School 1K
Wednesday 4th December 2W Bethel Church
Thursday 5th December Christmas Dinner
Thursday 5th December 2H Bethel Church
Friday 6th December Santa Dash
Tuesday 10th December Reception Christmas Sing-a-long
Thursday 12th December KS1 Christmas Performance
Tuesday 17th December Nursery Christmas Sing-a-long
Thursday 19th December Christmas Party Day
Friday 20th December School Finishes at 1:15pm
Monday 6th January Return to School
Monday 13th January Y1 Clubs
Monday 20th January Y1 Clubs
Monday 27th January Y1 Clubs
Wednesday 29th January Chinese New Year
Thursday 30th January History Day
Monday 3rd February Y1 Clubs
Thursday 6th February Inside Out Day
Monday 10th February Y1 Clubs
Tuesday 11th February Safer Internet Day
Thursday 13th February 2W Class Assembly
Friday 14th February School Finishes at 3:15pm
Friday 14th February Relationship Day
Monday 24th February Return to School
Monday 24th February Y1 Clubs (last club)
Monday 24th February Wizard of Oz Performance
Thursday 6th March World Book Day
Monday 17th March Neurodiversity Week
Friday 21st March World Poetry Day
Friday 21st March Red Nose Day
Monday 24th March World Maths Day
Friday 28th March Own Clothes Day (bring an egg)
Thursday 3rd April Easter Bingo
Friday 4th April School Finishes at 1:15pm
Tuesday 22nd April Return to School
Monday 28th April Reception Clubs
Monday 5th May May Day Bank Holiday
Monday 12th May Reception Clubs
Thursday 15th May International Family Day (board games)
Monday 19th May Reception Clubs
Wednesday 21st May National Numeracy Day
Thursday 22nd May RM Class Assembly
Friday 23rd May School Finishes 3:15pm 
Monday 2nd June INSET DAY
Tuesday 3rd June INSET DAY
Monday 9th June Money Week
Monday 9th June Reception Clubs
Monday 16th June Reception Clubs
Monday 16th June Sports Day
Tuesday 17th June Sports Day
Monday 23rd June Reception Clubs (last club)
Thursday 26th June New to Nursery/Reception Meeting
Wednesday 2nd July Teddy Bears Picnic
Wednesday 2nd July Nursery Closed (new visits)
Monday 7th July New to Y1 Parent Meeting
Tuesday 8th July Y2 Leavers Assembly
Tuesday 8th July Y2 Leavers Party
Wednesday 9th July New to Y2 Parent Meeting
Thursday 10th July RD Class Assembly
Friday 18th July School Finishes at 1:15pm
Monday 21st July INSET
Tuesday 22nd July INSET DAY

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